I didn't like Berlin. It seems like something close to a crime to return and say the place didn't suit, whether or not my expectations were too high or different from reality l don't know entirely. I did gather what it was that people especially a lot of artists like about Berlin, but it didn't sit with me. Once again, after everything you hear in any artistic circle, Berlin had been one of the most hotly anticipated destinations on my grand tour, tying the top spot with NYC, where previously a few weeks before i'd had an incredible time. Where the energy of NYC felt constrained in other ways (further post to come on that) it still radiated with a much more positive productive energy which even over the course of a few weeks immediately proved to be cohesive, Berlin on the other hand nestles in a much darker mood, not surprisingly right..
The echoes of National Socialism are still very real, if most of the city's older architecture wasn't still peppered with patched up bullet holes, somehow it just seems to obscure everything. It is no easy topic to discuss either, it just seems to paint a faint distortion over everything.. with the combination of the war's horrific aftermath and the seizure of the city after 1945 by the Soviets followed closely by the Cold War and the Wall cutting the city in two, it's very evident that many atrocities have unfolded in the city and sadly there isn't and l don't see how there could be any proper resolution or way of departing from these events, seemingly in every facet of the city's day to day lifestyle including the memory of even it's latest generations. Personally i've always felt European and Hollywood cinema's obsession especially with the WW2 European theater has a lot to answer for in this regard, not to mention the endless production of documentaries , books etc that we can assume must net about as much profit as the rest of human history combined!
This predicament results in a lot of the rowdy and bohemian attitude of the city, yes it's also cheap as well like they say and you can do a lot of partying and have a lot of fun on a small budget but once again this celebrated liberation is only permitted by the same confusion and sadness in my opinion that governs every other operation in Berlin. Overall, in their hearts l wonder how much fun and real freedom everyone is enjoying, especially those visiting the city for that purpose mainly in mind. In my opinion, most of the ex-pats and tourists l met there seemed to be trying to convince themselves, me and anyone who might ask that they were having a far better time than they actually were. It was common to party a lot and apparently have a really good time but l didn't meet anyone who seemed particularly happy and often as a the good times of a any night washed away there always seemed to be a remorse in place regarding some matter or another..
Admittedly l was in Berlin during the wintery reception of January and during Europe's current financial blunder so giving the benefit of the doubt, l would at least return to see the city in Summer, but in no hurry. This entry could go on for several pages summarising many experiences and events that unfolded, certainly not all negative either but for the purpose of this blog l thought it better just to shed light on the stay in Berlin as a whole and maybe provoke some thought on what you've already heard about it or have experienced there yourself.
Jim S
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