Developments have been occuring on the Sex Tape front with my first solo show coming up next Tuesday (August 16) at Ching-a-Lings. The night is part of Daniel Grosz's month long 'Great Songbook' live music program at the venue. I'm playing week 2 which is a focus on Patti Smith, the week before having been a look at Johnny Cash and Burt Bacharach and the week following my performance (23) will be themed on Phil Spector. Being a big Spector fan l would have loved to play the third week but at this point playing a solo show with a single synth, l don't think that i'd be able to produce the 'Wall of Sound' required so Patti Smith it is.

Of course at this point l don't really know how to play music yet BUT l do have a Patti Smith impersonation l often do when justifying why l'm not so crash hot on her open readings, especially on the early albums ie Birdland on Horses. My 15-20 min performance on Tuesday (on stage 8:00pm) is going to be an extended performance of Birdland with my parody in place, improvising Symbolist poetry. It will be interesting if anyone bothers to acknowledge this on the night, l imagine some Smith fans may be offended.. Anyhow in the meantime you can see some recent artwork i've made for the Sex Tape effort. The top one is my favourite, can you guess the film reference? (see answer at bottom of post)

Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Sex Tape Facebook group
Jim S
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