1. drawing of Kenneth Anger by artist TomSelleck69 on DeviantART
Occult Circuit (interiors)
As described in the previous entry, the 'interiors' aspect of my new studio work will revolve around supernatural occurrences colliding with the natural world. Unlike the 'Exterior' work that is more of an ode to the natural world and will be a more softer, romantic arrangement of the following themes, The 'Interior' paintings will investigate the given atmosphere of an environment by a remaining spirit(s) or the trapped energy from an action, outburst or emotive moment that's created a loop in time; which in present day can welcome prestigious, historical or even religious significance to a contemporary audience/dwellers or infamously can revolt with hauntings, poltergeists or just a disdainful uninviting atmosphere. It will be my task to arrange these interiors on paper/canvas into provoking those feelings.
This year i'm preparing for a series of new performances; a single piece over three acts to coincide with this new studio practice. In the past, performances allow me to resolve aspects of my work that l can't express through my studio practice. These ideas generally seem to undergo an 'exorcism' via some dramatic feat of courage/improvised assault that despite the true artistic purpose involved, in my younger years was probably more used as a rite of passage into adulthood..

2. still from Kenneth Anger's 'Invocation of my Demon Brother' 1969
Lately in my research i've took on an interest in the Occult to help clarify what is happening both to the audience and myself during these outbursts (to be uploaded soon!) and especially to better understand, with what l'm discovering in the studio is the repercussions of a highly emotional eruption within a space and the possibilities of distorting the make-up of that environment and installing a time loop, perhaps even creating a poltergeist!

3. still from 'Knightstale' performance by Jim Shirlaw 2007
A film director i've been researching on this topic is Kenneth Anger. Anger believes his work serves as a gateway for the powers of Lucifer and common perceptions of evil to inflict on an audience and that using film is the best medium to do so. An essay on Anger titled 'Myth and Symbolism: Blue Velvet' by Carel Rowe explains 'For Anger, making a movie is casting a spell. He claims "Magick" as his life-work and the "cinematograph" for his magical weapon.. (Anger) sees his films to be a search for light and enlightenment and sees Lucifer not as the devil but as Venus - The Morning Star. To date, all of his films have been evocations or invocations, attempting to conjure primal forces which, once visually released, are designed to have the effect of "casting a spell" on the audience. The Magick in the film is related to the Magickal effect of the film on the audience.'
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