Whilst away on my very recent road trip from Alice Springs to Sydney, Australia; my limited cooking efforts were boasted among the traveling group very early on in the adventure so suddenly l was allocated to dinner the first two nights. Without the usual stocked kitchen luxuries and appliances l managed to create my favourite dish in enough quantity to supply the tribe two nights in a row as well as create a beaming example of my chosen feast; a little more chunky than usual with the absence of a blender but we were camping after all.
In light of this achievement which when stacked next to the other success' of creating this dish in many a crummy share house before now l decided it was time to put this recipe online for all to see; those of you who know me well enough to have experienced a sit-down dinner at my discretion will be well familiar with this one.
1 x brown onion
4 x garlic cloves
4 x bacon rashes
1kg of finest mince you can get your hands on
Cut it all up and throw in a large saucepan on a shallow bed of olive oil.
Stir the above ingredients in together at medium heat until the meat browns
1 x 1/2 celery
1 x broccoli
3 x carrots
1 x red capsicum
1 x zucchini
add finely blended or chopped:
4 x field mushrooms
6 x tomatoes finely chopped
1/2 bottle tomato paste
salt + pepper
pinch of white sugar
At this point, leave on a low heat for one hour, stirring gently every 2 to 5 minutes.
In this example the meal came served on a bed of large spiral pasta with different cheeses available on top as well as some extra salt and pepper should you choose.
Jim S