Following on from my previous post about this time last month 'Time out of Town' here's a few new images fresh from development as well as a few that were discarded from the last post; some may seem more obvious than others in that department.. Shots were taken in Newcastle, Western Sydney, Wollongong, Coffs Harbour, Ballina etc. all in New South Wales, Australia.
My last eighteen months have been tied up completing post-grad studies at the UTS Ku-ring-gai Campus' in Sydney's North Shore. The campus is housing it's final intake of students before the university apparently sells it on to the military next year and all classes are moved to the city campus at Ultimo. The campus and at times the journey through the North Shore is an eerie experience. Below are a series of photos took in between classes and in transit to and fro, mainly during April this year. The UTS Ku-ring-gai campus itself is a an incredible modernist monolith, reminiscent of the minimalist architecture of the 1960's and 70s that you get the feeling was celebrated as visionary in it's day while seeming much the opposite now; though l think contemporary architecture still takes plenty of its cues from this perioud, there is largely the feeling in the campus halls that this enormous castle conceived with the greatest expectations has now been utterly forgotten; hiding these days in a bed of eucalyptus trees, camouflaged already for the military occupation next year..
It's been a challenge recently to get more than one decent shot out of a role of medium-format when using the flash in dark environments on the Lomo Diana F+; it's been OK before but not anymore. One of my loves of analogue treatment with anything, (and l suppose one of it's universal laws) is that it helps you to sometimes come up with more creative and eventually satisfying solutions to getting around problems. The two examples below demonstrate the simple cut and paste when using two photos that individually are nothing special. Sure, the process/idea isn't amazing but l thought l should share them as l do like the finished result and if you're in a similar situation and wasting heaps of money on bad film results try something similar! The first shot/s is of Domeyko Gonzalez during performance from Thursday May 19 at General Store for Contemporary Art, the opening of James Kerr's new exhibition.
The second a friend took of me and i've since adapted it as an early portrait for my upcoming 'Sex Tape' music initiative, further more to come on that subject..
Having just moved home again; here are a number of shots from my previous home in Sydney Australia's Central Business District. Originally a wool-processing plant, then a chocolate factory, then (according to legend) a brothel and gambling house and then finally our house; generally about five to six people called it home at any one time; l lived here for about fifteen months.
It is with great sadness l write this evening's post, my beloved 1990 Mitsubishi Pajero 'Goldstein' aka 'Battle Axe' passed away late last evening (01.05.11) from natural causes on Warringah Rd at approximately 11:30pm.
Mechanics worked quickly on the scene but were not able to revive her from sudden critical organ failure. She will be remembered fondly by many close friends and Sydney musicians/artisans as a powerful and faithful mode of transport to gigs, exhibitions, trips away and special events from Kings X to Melbourne, recently even seen as far north as Brisbane!